Lisa Aldana
What is your motto?
"It could always be worse".
What is your greatest extravagance?
Gourmet specialty items such as cheeses and chocolates.
What is your most treasured possession?
My family.
Who are your real life heroes?
My parents, my husband and my children.
What quality do you most like in a woman?
A listening ear.
What quality to you most like in a man?
A good sense of humor.
Who are your favorite writers?
Hemingway and LaRouse Gastronomy.
What do you like most about your appearance?
My eyes.
Who or what is the greatest love of your life?
My family and food.
Lisa Aldana
Lisa is wearing her "Vivienne" shirt from our Fall 2005 collection. Lisa is a professional chef, mother of four, and a core Finley Shirt customer. She has been a Finley Girl since 2000.

Why are you a Finley shirt fan?
Finley makes a great fitted shirt that is sexy in a sophisticated and discreet way. Great to enhance the figure that I've worked so hard for!
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